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Freshwater fishie

Papuan Black bass
murray cod
grass carp
black carp
bighead carp
silver carp
Brown Trout
Leopard snakeskin Discus (left)
Royal Pleco (middle)
Blue Diamond discus (left)
golden Oto
Zebra Pleco( right)
brown bullhead
Snowball Pleco (left)
Yellow bullhead
green tiger barb
Dwarf gourami
Arctic Grayling
glowlight tetra
smallmouth buffalo
Royal Red Discus (middle)
Sterba's corydoras
Golden Severum
Barred bichir
Swordtail fish variants
European Carp
cutthroat trout
Red Marlboro Discus (right)
Ram cichlid
crescent betta
Freshwater butterfly fish
bigmouth buffalo
bighead carp
Mozambique Tilapia Male
Blue Tilapia(middle)
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